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40cm width

40cm wide rodent mat cuts

For your small animal only the best rodent carpet comes into the enclosure.

nagercarpet.de Rodent mat cuts, 40 cm wide , are made from 100% hemp and are suitable for all types of small animals, such as hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, degus, rats or chinchillas.

The natural and vegetable hemp fibers are extremely moisture- and odor-binding and thus create a dry, cozy space for the animals, as well as a pleasant room climate for you.

Best of all, the hemp mats are completely pesticide & chemical free and completely biodegradable/compostable or can be fed away by the little critters.

You can lay out the mats in all small animal dwellings , such as in rabbit cages, rabbit hutches, guinea pig enclosures or in a transport box.

4 products

  • Sale -50% Rodent carpet 5mm - 40x25cm cuts - B-Ware

    Rodent carpet 5mm - 40x25cm cuts - B-Ware

    Rodent carpet cuts with a thickness of 5mm with the dimensions 40x25cm Total: 1 pieces made from 100% hemp B-Ware (production error - the quality is not as usual with our rodent carpets) The fibers are not tightly woven, so the mats are very soft and loose, but tear immediately) Ideally suited as a nest building material and for much more.

    €2,99 €1,49

  • Nagerteppich "Outdoor" aus Hanf, 40 x 40cm, 25mm dick, beidseitig mit Naturlatex - Nagerteppich.de - Nagerteppich "Outdoor" aus Hanf, 40 x 40cm, 25mm dick, beidseitig mit Naturlatex - Nagerteppich.de -

    Nagerteppich "Outdoor" aus Hanf, 40 x 40cm, 25mm dick, beidseitig mit Naturlatex

    Die Outdoormatte – Robuste Naturpower für glückliche Nager! 🐹🌿 Du suchst eine strapazierfähige, langlebige und gemütliche Unterlage für dein Kleintier? Unsere Outdoormatte aus 100 % Hanf ist die perfekte Wahl! Sie bietet optimalen Schutz, Wärme und Komfort – egal ob im Stall, Gehege oder auf Abenteuerausflügen im Freien. 💡 Diese Matte hält, was sie verspricht – und das ohne Kompromisse! 🐾 Warum unsere Outdoormatte? ✅ Extrem widerstandsfähig & langlebig – Mit 2,5 cm Dicke und einer Latexbeschichtung auf beiden Seiten trotzt die Matte Kratzern, Feuchtigkeit und intensivem Gebrauch.✅ Outdoor-geeignet & wasserabweisend – Perfekt für den Einsatz im Freien, leicht zu reinigen und wiederverwendbar.✅ Ideal als Wärmematte im Winter – Die dicke Struktur isoliert Kälte vom Boden und sorgt für eine warme, gemütliche Unterlage.✅ 100 % Natur – Made in Germany – Nachhaltig aus hochwertigem Hanf gefertigt.✅ Komplett kompostierbar & umweltfreundlich – Frei von Chemikalien oder Fremdstoffen, absolut ungiftig und biologisch abbaubar.✅ Perfekt für Allergiker – Hanffasern sind staubarm und hautfreundlich, ideal für empfindliche Tiere und Halter. 🐰 Perfekt für alle Kleintiere! Unsere Outdoormatte ist vielseitig einsetzbar und passt in Kaninchenkäfige, Hasenställe, Meerschweinchengehege, Mäuseheime, Rattenunterkünfte oder Transportboxen. Die pflanzlichen Hanffasern binden Feuchtigkeit & Gerüche, sodass dein Tier immer einen trockenen, kuscheligen Platz hat – und du ein angenehmes Raumklima genießen kannst. 💡 Das Beste? Die Matte ist 100 % natürlich & unbedenklich, falls dein Tier daran knabbert! 📏 Produktdetails im Überblick: 📌 Maße: 40 cm x 40 cm x 2,5 cm📌 Material: 100 % Hanffasern mit beidseitiger Naturlatexbeschichtung📌 Eigenschaften: Wasserabweisend, isolierend, geruchsbindend & langlebig📌 Nachhaltigkeit: Biologisch abbaubar & komplett kompostierbar 🎁 Fazit: Die robuste Wohlfühlmatte für jedes Kleintier! Egal ob drinnen oder draußen, Sommer oder Winter – diese Matte sorgt für eine kuschelige, trockene und rutschfeste Unterlage, die dein Nager lieben wird! 💡 Jetzt bestellen und deinem Liebling ein Stück Natur nach Hause holen! 🛒

    €8,90 - €22,50

  • Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 100 x 40cm, 5mm thick, Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 100 x 40cm, 5mm thick,

    Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 100 x 40cm, 5mm thick,

    ✅ MADE IN GERMANY - Our rodent mat is made from 100% best hemp and by German hemp farmers. Due to the soft & natural fibers, it is ideal as a cage pad ✅ COMPLETELY COMPOSTABLE - The mats contain no chemicals or other foreign substances. They are fully biodegradable and a rodent can nibble on them to their heart's content ✅ SUPER ABSORBENT - The special thing about the hemp mat is the high moisture absorption and the binding of odors. Unlike normal small animal litter, the hemp mat is dust-free ✅ SUITABLE FOR ALLERGY SUFFERERS - The rodent mats are particularly allergy friendly. They can be laid out in a rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, guinea pig enclosure or in a transport box ✅ DIVERSE PLAY POSSIBILITIES - Small animals love variety. Thanks to the durable and densely woven hemp fibers, they can withstand digging, scratching and playing with for a long time For your small animal only the best rodent carpet comes into the enclosure nagercarpet.de rodent carpets are out 100% hemp and suitable for all types of small animals, such as hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, degus, rats or chinchillas. The natural and vegetable hemp fibers are Extremely moisture and odor binding and thus create a dry, cozy space for the animals, as well as a pleasant room climate for you. The best thing is the hemp mats Completely free of pesticides and chemicals are made and completely biodegradable/compostable or can be fed away by the little animals. You can lay out the mats in all small animal dwellings , such as in the rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, guinea pig enclosure or in a transport box. Details at a glance: – 100% hemp – Made in Germany – Suitable for all types of small animals and their housing – 100cm x 40cm x 0.5cm (length, width, thickness) Do you have a rodent and want to create the best comfort for your little darling? Then you are exactly right here! Order the hemp mats from nagercarpet.de today and give your animal the most beautiful home.

    €5,90 - €124,00

  • Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 40 x 25cm, 5mm thick, Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 40 x 25cm, 5mm thick,

    Rodent carpet made of 100% hemp, 40 x 25cm, 5mm thick,

    ✅ MADE IN GERMANY - Our rodent mat is made from 100% best hemp and by German hemp farmers. Due to the soft & natural fibers, it is ideal as a cage pad ✅ COMPLETELY COMPOSTABLE - The mats contain no chemicals or other foreign substances. They are fully biodegradable and a rodent can nibble on them to their heart's content ✅ SUPER ABSORBENT - The special thing about the hemp mat is the high moisture absorption and the binding of odors. Unlike normal small animal litter, the hemp mat is dust-free ✅ SUITABLE FOR ALLERGY SUFFERERS - The rodent mats are particularly allergy friendly. They can be laid out in a rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, guinea pig enclosure or in a transport box ✅ DIVERSE PLAY POSSIBILITIES - Small animals love variety. Thanks to the durable and densely woven hemp fibers, they can withstand digging, scratching and playing with for a long time For your small animal only the best rodent carpet comes into the enclosure nagercarpet.de rodent carpets are out 100% hemp and suitable for all types of small animals, such as hares, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, degus, rats or chinchillas. The natural and vegetable hemp fibers are Extremely moisture and odor binding and thus create a dry, cozy space for the animals, as well as a pleasant room climate for you. The best thing is the hemp mats Completely free of pesticides and chemicals are made and completely biodegradable/compostable or can be fed away by the little animals. You can lay out the mats in all small animal dwellings , such as in the rabbit cage, rabbit hutch, guinea pig enclosure or in a transport box. Details at a glance: – 100% hemp – Made in Germany – Suitable for all types of small animals and their housing – 40cm x 25cm x 0.5cm (length, width, thickness) Do you have a rodent and want to create the best comfort for your little darling? Then you are exactly right here! Order the hemp mats from nagercarpet.de today and give your animal the most beautiful home.

    €2,99 - €60,00


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